Search Results For "anal"

Why does he prefer watching porn to having sex with me?
Want to sort your sex life - fast? This is the second in a series of blogs designed to transform your love life with instant, easy fixes for common couple sex complaints. What if he prefers porn to having sex...
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The seven things most women believe about men and sex that simply aren’t true
Why you need to dismiss these silly sex assumptions society makes about men that actually have little or no basis in fact. He’ll thank you for it – and you’ll feel better as well! (more…)
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How not to kill your husband with an electro sex toy
Would you let an electric current flow through your genitals if it felt good or helped tighten your pelvic floor? Didn’t think so – but never say never. Plenty of people are doing just that by experimenting with electro sex...
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40 things I wish I’d known about love and men when I was 40
So you liked my post ’50 things I wish I’d known about sex when I was 20’? Lots of you clicked on it and I’m so pleased! Given the popularity, I thought I’d do the same concept but apply it...
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