Search Results For "anal"

How to give a woman a (great) hand-job
Given the popularity of a blog I wrote a few weeks ago called ‘How to give him best hand-job he’s ever had’, I thought a female version was in order. Men are usually better at giving ‘hand-jobs’ to women because...
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Can women really ejaculate through G-spot stimulation?
Mention ‘G-spot’ and you know the topic of ‘female ejaculation’ isn’t far behind. The reason why they sit so comfortably together, like two old friends, is because stimulation of the G-spot is what seems to cause women to ejaculate. The...
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How to give him the best orgasm he’s ever had
Anatomically, all orgasms come from the same place even if some feel different than others. There is only one physical type of orgasm for both men and women, no matter how much we try to pretend there are more. Call...
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Solve all your oral sex problems with these five sneaky but sexy tricks
He smells, well, a little bit funky sometimes? She takes so long to climax your tongue seizes? Here’s some simple but highly effective sex tricks that not only solve your problems fast, they’ll score you big sexy points for being...
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