Tracey Cox

If I want to be polyamorous, when do I tell a prospective partner?
"I am interested in being polyamorous and dating more than one person at once. When is the right time to tell a new partner that you are intending on having relationships with more than one person? I feel like it...
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‘The baby arrived and my sex drive left’
“Help! The baby arrived and my sex drive went. I haven’t felt like sex since.” Emails like this plop into my inbox with dogged regularity – and they have since I started writing about sex thirty years ago. We don’t...
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Ever had sex with someone just because it seemed rude not to?
Ever had polite sex? I have. I grew up in the sexually liberated 80s. I worked for Cosmopolitan magazine and was heavily influenced by the ‘Women can do anything men can’ feminist mantra of the time. Having casual sex was...
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A four-step plan to help women who don’t want sex
‘Why don’t I feel like sex?’ is the question I am most asked by women. It’s always been the most asked question and I have been writing about sex and relationships for decades. ‘I dread having sex. What’s wrong with...
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