Tracey Cox

The six stages that lead to a sexless relationship
When was the last time you had sex? Last night? Last week? Last month? Last…year? I’m the first to argue that frequency isn’t the most important element of a good sex life – satisfaction is. But if Christmas comes more...
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5 ways to have sex – without actually having it
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash Hands up if you think penis-in-vagina sex is often the most uninspired, least enjoyable part. Well, that’s one hand waving in the air – mine! Tongues and fingers are far more dextrous than a penis will ever...
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When stopping sex isn’t the answer
A lack of sex isn’t always a sign of trouble and last week's blog looked at the scenarios where NOT having sex isn't usually an issue. Now let's look at when it is. Deciding to stop having sex in a...
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A journey back to joy – and sex
It's rare that I hand over my blog to someone else. But this isn't just anyone. Kelsey Chittick is a writer, comedian, inspirational speaker, life coach - and my co-host on our weekly podcast, SexTok with Tracey and Kelsey.  Most...
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