Tracey Cox

Share a fantasy – without scaring your partner off
Sharing fantasies requires trust – especially the more ‘out there’ ones. Not only do you have to hope like hell your partner won’t judge you, you also need to be 100 percent certain the information won’t be used against you...
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Hate hard core? Here’s some female friendly erotica and porn
Women watch porn. We might not watch it as much as men do – according to Pornhub, women make up over a fourth of all visitors on the site – but it’s not quite the ‘guy thing’ people make out....
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The truth about what really goes on with sex long-term
How do you stack up against the average? It’s a question I think is utterly pointless to ask because there is no average. We are all absolutely individual in sex -  in our drives, behaviour, frequency and preferences. Yet we...
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The 17 most popular places to have sex How many can you tick off?
As the clocks go back and it gets colder and darker, all of us become less adventurous about where we have sex. The good news is, it’s not just your bed that works in winter. Here’s a round-up of the...
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