Search Results For "anal"

Take the three month sex challenge
Every week on SexTok, my weekly podcast, I set a sex challenge for the week. Here’s a selection organised into a three-month programme. These are doable, simple tasks that aren’t too out there, designed to get you out of the...
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The 8 conversations about sex all couples should have
Part of this originally appeared as one of my weekly MailOnline columns. It got so many hits, I thought I'd post it here, so it's available permanently. Couples who discuss tricky sex topics are 10 times more likely to have...
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20 new things to do in bed this weekend
Everyone knows you need to try new things to keep your sex life fresh and interesting...but what if you can't think of any? Worry not! I've come to the rescue with 20 simple ideas to jog your memory of the...
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To bare or not to bare: the new etiquette for pubic hair, drunk sex and how much sex is enough sex?
So, most of you will know that I am now doing a weekly podcast with the award-winning US podcaster, Zibby Owens. Since we launched - 55 episodes ago - we've one so many awards, I've lost count. (I have at...
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