Tracey Cox

20 new things to do in bed this weekend
Everyone knows you need to try new things to keep your sex life fresh and interesting...but what if you can't think of any? Worry not! I've come to the rescue with 20 simple ideas to jog your memory of the...
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Why do I have to be drunk to enjoy sex?
Q: I never want sex unless I’ve had some wine. It relaxes me and gives me confidence. Is this wrong? My new partner gets annoyed with me but I find it difficult to get in the mood unless I’ve had...
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The top 13 lust killers
You can’t have great sex if your relationship is in tatters. Identify the deadly sex poisons that could be threatening yours and get set to confront them head on. This is a ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ piece. Toxic...
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The 10 different sex personalities: what’s yours?
Forget everything you’ve ever heard about opposites attracting - in bed it’s far more helpful to be similar. It’s not just frequency you need to agree on, the type of sex you both want is just as crucial. Mismatched sexual...
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